Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The MIRTHFUL warrior

 Ecclesiastes 7:29

King James Version

29 Lo, this only have I found, 

that God hath made man upright; 

but they have sought out many inventions.

Is there such a thing?

A mirthful warrior?

Aren't those incongruous?

Aren't warriors supposed to be serious?

Aren't they supposed to have long faces?

Depends WHICH war the warrior fights.

Depends WHICH lord the warrior serves.

You can only smile, if you serve a worthy purpose.

You can only laugh, if you serve a worthy lord.

You can only be jubilant, if you serve the TRUE winner.

"Mirthful" simply means:


joyous; cheerful; jolly; merry:

a mirthful laugh.

providing mirth; amusing:

a mirthful experience.

-- Dictionary

I believe GOD gave me such a gift.

Being cheerful, and positive.

Seeing the sunny side of things.

Seeing the funny side of things.

Having no fear in your heart.

Consider it an "un-BULLY-vable" situation.

We are, indeed, funny folks.

We worry about what we shouldn't worry about.

We focus on things, that are not worth focusing on.

We let our energies leak in so many places.

And we wonder why there is inner, and outer, strife.

We're doing it to ourselves.

I'm not new to the idea.

I've done it many times, too.

Causing myself harm, and suffering for others.

All because of my pure ignorance.

I was an ignoramus for a long, long time.

Only when GOD made me born again did I begin to do right.

Things became pretty clear, too.

Scripture corrected me, every step of the way.

I learned an important lesson --

We can only rely upon JESUS.

John 15:5

King James Version

5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: 

He that abideth in me, and I in him, 

the same bringeth forth much fruit: 

for without me ye can do nothing.

This article was inspired by SPIRIT.

He planted an "idea" in my head yesterday morning.

He imprinted upon my mind the words:

"Oh, humanity!

How useless your preoccupations are!"

And then I began to feel all that "motherly" love for people.

Seeing how asleep, and unaware, most people are.

I've always known what their "preoccupations" were.

I'm forever amazed at what people think they should be, do, or have.

It's always posturing, positioning, "image" consciousness.

What a tiring way to live!

Most want the same things:

Face, fame, form, friends, and fortune.

Power, prestige, and possessions.

Houses, hot tubs, and Hummers.

Cars, clothes, and collectibles.

Gadgets, glory, and games.

Sale, stuff, shares.

Are these really necessary to have a good life?

Are these essential to have a fun life?

Do these assure you of happiness?

Do these last?

Seems they've forgotten the more important things.

The ONLY things that are FOREVER:

F for FAITH.

P for PEACE.



G for GOD.


FAITH keeps you going.

PEACE can only come from CHRIST.

The HOLY SPIRIT teaches us about JESUS.

GOD loves you enough to sacrifice His Son.

CHRIST saved us from our sins.


Before I got to this point of being a mirthful warrior, there were oceans of tears.

You won't believe how I nearly drowned in my own tears.

It just wouldn't stop, so I just let it.

The HOLY SPIRIT showed me where I went wrong.

Scripture identified my errors.

I was mortified at my sins.

I've hurt too many people.

I didn't want to do so anymore.

My only saving grace is love from GOD.

Forgiveness from JESUS.

And patience from the HOLY SPIRIT.

The day you're born again, you reconcile with GOD.

You begin to follow His commandments.

You follow the path paved by JESUS.

You live a life worth living.

Then yesterday, I began to laugh.

I mean, really laugh.

At how foolish we all are.

At how foolish we all have been.

How our useless preoccupations cause us great unhappiness.

How it causes everyone discontent.

How it divides all of us.

How it's all so unnecessary.

That's what made me laugh the hardest.

That unnecessary suffering could have been prevented.

If only we knew better.

Through Scripture.

Your neighbor has a new car, you get jealous.

Your officemate was promoted, you get jealous.

You can't buy that new gadget, you get mad.

You don't get noticed as you would want to, you try to be prettier.

You are not as popular as your sister, you get depressed.

You are not invited to prestigious events, you mope.

You think you have to have that corner office.

You think you need to make a fortune.

You think you need this title, or position.

All  "useless preoccupations".

All soulless preoccupations.

At what price, all these?

There's a "mansion" waiting for believers.

JESUS told us so:

John 14:2

King James Version

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: 

if it were not so, I would have told you. 

I go to prepare a place for you.

Believers have a different "citizenship":

Philippians 3:20-21

Christian Standard Bible

20 Our citizenship is in heaven, 

and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, 

the Lord Jesus Christ. 

21 He will transform the body of our humble condition 

into the likeness of his glorious body, 

by the power that enables him 

to subject everything to himself.

We must realize all worldly things won't last.

Only GOD's WORD does.

That's the reason for my mirth.

I honestly know what matters most.

And I delight in it, every single day.

As warrior, I fight for it, all the time.

Slashing at the lies, everywhere I could find it.

Making no room for fear, hatred, or doubt.

Thus, the many blogs giving GOD glory.

Only GOD deserves glory anyway.

Our little selves don't.

Happiness is waiting for you.

If only you'd turn to JESUS.

Turn to JESUS now.

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GOD's GLORY blogs

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The MIRTHFUL warrior

  Ecclesiastes 7:29 King James Version 29 Lo, this only have I found,  that God hath made man upright;  but they have sought out many invent...